Table of Contents

Hello, I'm Ade



My name is Adeardo Dora Harnanda, but you can call me Ade 😄. I am an IT consultant from Indonesia. I thoroughly enjoy dedicating my time to learning new things, conducting experiments, and meticulously refining small details to ensure well-structured and organized code.

Currently, I work as a consultant with Hitechraopen in new window, where I have the privilege of assisting numerous esteemed clients in resolving their IT challenges. My responsibilities include developing various automations and applications that enhance their productivity and contribute to their overall success. It is an incredibly rewarding experience to contribute to the growth and efficiency of these organizations.

Languages and Tools

cockroachdb docker elasticsearch express figma firebase git go javascript laravel linux mysql nginx nodejs php postgresql postman puppeteer python rails react redis ruby sass sqlite tailwind typescript

Education History

  • 17 August 1945 University, Surabaya - Bachelor's Degree, Informatics Engineering
  • SMK YPM 1 Taman, Sidoarjo - Computer and Network Engineering

Work Experience

Hitechraopen in new window, 2021 - Present (Self-Employed), as a Consultant and Co-Founder

I had the chance to work with the following clients:


Ruangguruopen in new window, 2021 - 2023, as a Software Engineer

Tools: Golang, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Python, Redis, ElasticSearch, BigQuery

Sevimaopen in new window, 2020 - 2021, as a Fullstack Developer

Tools: PHP, Laravel, Lumen, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

When I was in Sevima, I had the chance to work with the following clients:

StiesiaUniversitas Ciputra

Fit Tech Inova Globalopen in new window, 2020 - 2021, as a Fullstack Developer and Project Manager

Tools: PHP, Laravel, Lumen, Flutter

SCOMPTECopen in new window, 2018 - 2019, as a IT Instructor and Fullstack Developer

Tools: PHP, Laravel

Last Updated:
Contributors: Adeardo Dora Harnanda